Saturday 9 July 2016

Lady With Big Breast Who Caused Commotion At Computer Village Speaks At Last -

This endowed lady who was spotted in Lagos back in April 2016 with men around her like bees attracted to honey at Computer Village, Ikeja has finally reacted to the pictures of her that went viral.
Read what she shared on Facebook:
Eventually, all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason – Albert Schweizer.
Hmmmn little did I realized that the surest way to know whether you are a modern being is to forget your mobile phone at home. If you are unable to go back home to fetch it immediately, your outing on that day is incomplete. When I decided to completely do away with my smart phone because I wanted to live a natural life in the city and to do away with the deceit of the modern life.
Then I realized what a psychologist told me concerning habit. She said before character becomes a habit, one must have constantly practicing such for more than eleven times after which is difficult to do away with . In my own case, I have been using cell phone
for more than fourteen years now. I guess this is part of the reasons I was unable to complete my task. I lived without smart phone for close to five months and I really enjoyed a secluded life which afforded me the opportunity to use my pen and my God gifted intuition to solve problems rather than ask Google. When I went through a copy of the letter I sent to my intimate friend in UK, I was impressed. How I wish those days without smart phone could come into existence again.
A very big sorry to my friends who swiftly try to reach me when a blogger created news out of no news. I believe we really don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. It’s on this that I want to narrate what really happened on Wednesday, 6th of April. I was on my way from DHL office in Victoria Island to get my rollex wrist watch which I ordered for. While I was coming back from VI an agent whom I’ve directed to get me a shop where I can display my artistic talent, since am unable to secure any office employment since I left university five years ago, called to inform me there was a vacancy at computer village. Could it have been my wish that after my university education, the only available job for me is to source to rent a shop? I settle for this because I realized that after climbing a great hill, one only finds out that there are many more hills to climb. I was at Computer Village solely for this reason.
It’s almost becoming a natural occurrence that wherever there are assemblies of guys and I happen to be sighted, I must cease the show. I guess these habits display by most guys towards beautiful lady especially those that highly endowed are not alien as most of us must have had similar experience. This is what happened when one quark online photo reporter who couldn’t have the required skills to nose for news purportedly created news out of no news. My layman understanding of journalism is ‘When dog bits man is not a news but it’s a news when man bits a dog. News is simply reporting the unusual. Pls what is unusual in what happened at Computer Village that day? I challenge the superior of that quark journalist to always dot the i and cross the t because her reputable might be tested and when that’s done….
A closer study at the background of the posted picture would reveal that such scenario always happens to ladies and would continue as long as men and women are created to complement one another. I want to sound a note of warning here that I don’t want anyone to drive my popularity since am neither an actress nor musician. Why on earth do I need such popularity. Enough of this!
I tender my unreserved apology to friends and family who felt uncomfortable seeing such pictures going viral. You all know me for my modest life, believe me it hasn’t changed. Olorun yio ma sho wa ni owo eni ti ako sho. I wrote this piece for those who thought I masterminded it and to appeal to my immediate family that I know nothing about the ugly situation. All of us are products of the same childhood experience. And the same blood flows in my vein. Therefore, there’s no how I could mastermind such. If not for an in-law journalist who advised that I should let the sleeping dog lies, Linda Ikeji would have by now been sued. Am afraid, shouldn’t we all support the social media bill. I vote in support of the bill. #‎enjoyingdoingmything‬ #‎focusonmyfuture‬ #

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